
Information to help your business benefit from telecommunications

What does the future hold for Telecoms and IT?

Masts on a hill

As a Telecoms company we make a point of, forgive the phrase, trying to keep ahead of the curve. Telecoms and IT are two areas where quantum advances are being made on a regular basis and those of us who fall behind don’t just fail ourselves but fail our customers, and we don’t want to do that so, on your behalf, we continue to scour the news and study the runes to see what’s coming next and how it might affect or benefit us all.

One future thing you should by now be fully aware of is something we’ve written about in this blog a few times. It’s the momentous change that’s about to hit our ‘phone communications at the most basic level, and that’s the demise of traditional copper wire telephone lines. We’ve detailed how, as a result, every business and home in the land will be more dependent on their broadband connection than ever before, and how sorting out a VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) system that will meet all your various needs is vital.

All this is set in stone and is happening. Let’s now read those runes we mentioned earlier and see what the future may hold. One thing that’s obvious but needs to be said nonetheless is that our dependence on technology that depends on telecommunications in the form of broadband is going to grow, and every business should be planning for how to use their and their customers’ increased digital footprint to boost sales and service.

What do we mean by these?  Most of us have yet to fully appreciate the implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI), or the applications of the Internet of Things (IoT), let alone Big Data and, at some point 6G, but they’re huge.  We all shop and, to varying degrees, work from home now, but have we changed the way we market and sell to reflect that? Customers want the best of all worlds, quick access to your offer and personal online service. What is your impression of a company that fails to make it easy to get answers quickly online? Or tells you to ring their service desk? Precisely!

We’ve mentioned AI, and that’s the answer! At least it is to an awful lot. Chatbots, writing assistants and conversational AI are already changing the face of online commerce. By 2025 we predict that an AI powered chatbot will be an essential element to support your website.

Something else to consider is the Metaverse, a virtual world that holds huge potential for lifelike social and work interaction and experience. What does this mean? Well, even for smaller companies it, for example, means allowing your customers to experience having and using your products before purchasing them or indeed virtually kitting them or their homes out with your products in whatever combinations of colours, styles, sizes you offer so they can live with their potential purchase before they commit to it. The opportunities are endless!

All of this will demand the fastest connection and widest bandwidth available, which is where TP Telecom comes in. Just give us a call to discuss the future...

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